Biosketch: Han Liu directs the MAGICS(Modern Artificial General Intelligible and Computer Systems) lab at the Northestern University. He is chairing the Graduate Program Enhancement Committee (GPEC) at Northwestern Computer Science. He has been the director of the deep reinforcement learning center at Tencent AI Lab and had been a professor at the Princeton University and Johns Hopkins University. He received a joint PhD in Machine Learning and Statistics from the Machine Learning Department at the Carnegie Mellon University, advised by John Lafferty and Larry Wasserman. His research integrates modern artificial intelligence and computer systems, which exploits large foundation models and probabilistic graphical models to revolutionize science, engineering and business. Han Liu has received numerous research awards including the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the Alfred P Sloan Fellowship in Mathematics, the IMS Tweedie New Researcher Award, the ASA Noether Young Scholar Award, the NSF CAREER Award, the Howard B Wentz Award and the Umesh Gavaskar Memorial Best Dissertation Award. He has been associate editors for the Journal of American Statistical Association, the Electronic Journal of Statistics, the Technometrics, and the Journal of Portfolio Management. He has also been seriving as area chairs for NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR conferences.